COVID-19 Response Video
To Our Partners
The health and safety of all of our partners - our employees, our vendors and our customers, is of the utmost importance to us. While our hearts break for all those afflicted and affected by this terrible illness, we remain committed to the same quality and values that you have come to depend on over the last 94 years. We are closely monitoring the constantly changing information, and taking steps to ensure that we continue to safely meet the needs of everyone involved with our business.
Every member of our team understands the importance of our quality parts in the manufacture and maintenance of equipment critical to combating our current situation. As such, Kason remains operational at normal production capacity. In addition, our supply chain team has been working to ensure inventory is on hand to meet your needs and stay on top of possible supply disruption. In the event of a possible disruption of production related to COVID-19, we will be sure to update you.
Kason is classified under numerous Critical Infrastructure Sectors identified by the Federal Government. We are a Tier 1/Critical supply partner to our customers, many of which are also classified as “essential” businesses. As a critical supplier to national/international food and pharmaceutical supply chains, to the hospital and laboratory sector, to the power generation sector and to the delivery vehicle sector, we will continue to operate and work hard to do our part in maintaining critical infrastructures while taking steps to reduce risk as much as possible.
The following are a few of the many steps we have taken. We are in close communication with our employees to follow the CDC guidelines for hygiene, social distancing and staying home if ill. We have increased the number of sanitizing stations and processes in our facilities as well as increased the frequency of cleaning office equipment, manufacturing equipment and common areas with the help of our facility maintenance partners. Our amazing team takes your needs and trust to heart, and have all worked to keep themselves and the other members of their Kason family healthy.
In the current environment, there are no easy choices. We stay open to make our contribution to battle COVID-19. We ask all of you to please do your part. Please follow guidelines for social distancing and minimizing exposure when possible. Please be vigilant about washing your hands and monitoring your health. Please be kind to each other.
We thank our amazing team for taking the necessary steps to stay healthy and for their dedication to our customers. We thank the many first responders, nurses, doctors, and everyone supporting the medical field in their tireless fight. We thank you, our customers, for your continued trust and support.
Our customer care team is available to assist with any questions (Monday– Friday, 8am to 5pm EST), via phone 1.800.935.2766, or info@kasonind.com.
All of us at Kason remain engaged and focused on offering you best in class products. If there is anything that we can do to help you, please let us know. Over the last 94 years, we’ve made it through many difficult times - we will get through this by working together. Take care and stay safe!
Team Kason
Helpful Links
CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Georgia Department of Public Health COVID-19 Daily Status Report